A Vision for the RCM Community Trust 

By connecting people and resources, Rotarians make a difference in communities here and around the globe. For more than fifty years, generous donations to the RCM Community Trust have made communities better places to live, learn, work, love and play.

The RCM Community Trust supports projects that make a difference and produce significant and sustainable outcomes. Some examples include the Milwaukee Rotary Amphitheater, the Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum, the Brown Street Academy Schoolyard, Johnsons Park and the War Memorial Center’s Operation Renew. Trust funds have built bridges and water projects in Guatemala, provided scholarships to more than 40 students and supported reading.

Why Contribute to the RCM Community Trust
  • The connection of people and resources is required for the club to undertake significant projects and maintain its reputation as an organization of leaders making a difference.
  • Funds designated for international efforts can match funds from Rotary International, allowing for bigger, better and bolder projects.
  • Designated gifts or named funds such as those for scholarships or international projects can have a lasting impact in exactly the way the donor would like.
  • The trust is a permanent fund. Contributions made today will continue to have an impact for years to come.
  • The funds within the RCM Community Trust are professionally managed, and oversight is provided by a trustee who is an officer of the club, an investment advisory committee, and the RCM Board of Directors. (For more information on creating a scholarship fund, go to the Scholarship tab and click on Support the RCM Scholarship Program.)
Please contact us for more information on how you can contribute to the RCM Community Trust.
Mary McCormick
Executive Director