Calling for Travelers to Guatemala
There are ten slots available on each trip for Rotarians from clubs who have donated funds to recent projects, as well as Milwaukee Rotary Club members. Nearly 50 Rotarians have participated in past trips and all have been enriched by the experience.
On a typical trip we will:
Experience the beauty of the people and the country of Guatemala
Stop at 4 to 6 other project sites and meet with community members
Celebrate the start of a recent project with our community partners
Build new friendships with local Rotarians
Explore new project opportunities
Enjoy a meal with one or more local elected officials
The cost of the trip is estimated at $2,500. This will cover trip expenses including airfare, lodging, food, in-country transportation and medical evaluation insurance. For information on how to sign up, click here.
Strong NGO Partner: Engineers without Borders (EWB) has a strong presence in the Highlands of Guatemala; a member of the Rotary Club of Milwaukee is actively engaged with EWB in Guatemala; and several local EWB college chapters choose to work in the area.
Strong Rotary Club Partner: We partner with the Vista Hermosa Rotary from Guatemala City which has a strong track record of successful and sustainable projects.
Strong Community Relationships: The elected and community-based leaders have grown to trust us.
Diverse Funding: Our larger projects are funded with contributions of a dozen or so Rotary Clubs, multiple Districts, Rotary International’s World Fund and key private donors.
Regular Communication: Every Wednesday morning we have a one-hour project management call with our partners on the ground in Guatemala.
These trips foster opportunities to build and celebrate essential relationships with Guatemalan Rotarians and community members. The Mayan villagers impacted by the projects greatly appreciate that we care enough to show up for them. And, we do our best to ensure the projects are needed and wanted by the community, not by outsiders, which is essential for the long-term sustainability of the work. We bear witness to the integrity of the work allowing us to assure the funders that the money was used as intended ---which also supports our future efforts to fund Global Grants in partnership with other Rotary Clubs.
It is critical that we have strong and trusting relationships with the Rotarians in Guatemala—relationships that are best built face to face. Implementing a sustainable project is not for the faint of heart. The upfront work is formidable. We count on Guatemalan Rotarians to monitor on-going progress, pay bills and work implement monitoring and evaluation practices.
Fellow travelers find the experience of working alongside students and community members to be a very rewarding part of the trip, however, it is probably the least valuable of the contributions that we make to the community. The Guatemalan Highlands have plenty of able-bodied men and women to work. They need the funding and the expertise that we can provide.
That said, the projects undertaken by the EWB teams are very valuable learning experiences for the students. The students raise money, design projects and work alongside the community at various stages of construction. For many, these are life changing experiences.
Bridging Barriers: How a Community Changed Its Future with Help From Engineers Without Borders
A book by Rotarian Michael Paddock, PE, PS
Gavina is frustrated. As a midwife with 40 years of experience, she knows what is needed to slash the infant and maternal mortality rates that are ravaging her Guatemalan Highlands community. Only two things stand in her way: a lack of clean water and a raging river nicknamed “The Assassin,” which blocks access to the hospital. Under the mentorship of Mike Shawcross, a crusty old Brit with four decades of international development experience, the Marquette University Engineers Without Borders USA team works with the community to build a water project and construct a bridge that defeats The Assassin. Through engaging personal stories, Bridging Barriers tells of the trials, tribulations and successes of the engineers and community members who gave new hope to La Garrucha.