Founded in 1913, the Rotary Club of Milwaukee just surpassed its 110th year of making a difference in the community. We made significant impact over the decades, including:
1939 Establishment of the Better Business Bureau
1953 Helped bring the Braves to Milwaukee (right, Milwaukee Milwaukee aldermen survey the location for County Stadium)
1982 Created Second Harvest, now Feeding American Eastern Wisconsin
1990 Launched the Children's Health Education Center, now the Healthy Kids Learn More e-Learning Center at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
1994 Founded River Revitalization Foundation with Milwaukee Kiwanis
2002 Purchased naming rights of the Milwaukee Rotary Amphitheater at Discovery World
2007 Created the free Live @ the Lakefront concert series at the Amphitheater (left, Live @ the Lakefront concert at Milwaukee Rotary Amphitheater at Discovery World)
2008 Initiated the renovation of the Brown Street Academy and Johnsons Park
2013 Opened the Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum
2017 Joined community leaders to create the MKE Urban Stables
To mark the 110th anniversary of our club, we shared what was happening at Rotary, in the city, the state and the world beginning with 1912 to 1920.